Saturday, February 12, 2011

How'm I doing?

Life and work are very busy, as you no doubt surmised from my lack of posting.  I'll try to skate by today with a quick update on my New Year's resolutions, and hope for more energy and inspiration later this month.

Resolution 1: Lose Weight
While I have not had any measurable success in this area, I've had 3 weeks in a row of making it to the gym multiple times.  One of my girlfriends has changed to a 4-10 work schedule, leaving her with Mondays free.  We've been meeting at the gym at 7am to do cardio.  Even if one of us is late, or can't make it, just knowing someone might be at the gym waiting for me helps motivate me to get out of bed.  And once I've become a sweaty tired mess, somehow the rest of Monday doesn't seem so daunting.  Anything work-related has got to be better than more cardio, right?

Getting to the gym Monday morning also makes getting there other mornings a little bit easier.  I don't know that I will ever look forward to it, but if it becomes enough of a habit, that will be good enough. 

My diet isn't really any better, so no weight loss.  DH has cut out processed sugar from his diet the last 2 weeks, so lacking company, I may just end up cutting back as well.

Resolution 2: Clear out the House
Not much progress there--shredded a few bags of papers from the home office, but you can't really tell there is any difference.  Need more time for this, but there hasn't been much to spare.

Resolution 3: Finish Projects
I am making good progress on my brother's sweater.  Front, Back, and one sleeve are finished.  One sleeve, sewing together, neckline, and blocking remain to be done.  I'd like to get it to him so he can enjoy it this winter.  Luckily for me, winter on the East Coast looks to be lasting a couple more months (Sorry guys!).  Two pairs of socks for the boys are about 75% complete as well, so we are getting there. And I haven't started anything new, so that is progress of a sort.

Maybe more exciting updates next month.


  1. I'm working my way thru papers now myself. I started on 22 boxes of old tax records last spring, did some then stopped. What has helped me to get back to them was to move them all out of the closet where they were stored into the dining room. Since I want to paint the dining room next month, I have until the end of Feb. to get the papers under control!

    (or not)

    I know that the only way I can clean out my kitchen cabinets is to empty them onto the counter, thenI have to go thru things when I put it all back!

  2. Good for you for working out. Six weeks into the new year and going strong. I think "they" say it takes six weeks before something becomes a habit. So way to go on habit-forming.


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