Thursday, October 15, 2009

What are you wearing?

I am recovering from my jaunt along the East Coast, visiting old friends and attending my 25-year high school reunion.  I'll share a quick laugh from a friend of mine from college--she kindly gave me permission to use it in the blog.

She works in banking, and as such, is affiliated with the National Association of Securities Dealers, a.k.a. the NASD.  At one point in her life, having moved to a new city, she sought social interaction in an online chat group.  What was odd about the experience was that she was repeatedly asked provocative questions, like, "What are you wearing?"  After being propositioned online repeatedly, she rethought her online handle, and suddenly perceived the double-entendre of "NASDGIRL."  After changing her handle, her conversations online improved in quality dramatically!

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