Friday, June 22, 2012

Nightly Routine: Manila Part 2

So, this was my routine while in Manila:

6:00am day of arrival:
  • Have breakfast
  • Take hot shower after 15 hour flight
  • Go to sleep
5pm: wake to alarm, shower, dress for work
6pm. Supper for breakfast
8pm cab to work
9pm class begins
Midnight, "lunch break"
  • Only 2 restaurants open at this hour: coffee bar, and 7-11.  Luckily, we had "lunch" catered so there was food in the breakroom for all of us. 
2am, have coffee to get thru night
4:00 Am snack
6am, take picture of sunrise out office window, call taxi to get to hotel
6:30am buffet breakfast at hotel
8:00am call family on skype (it is about 5pm at home)
8:20am catch up on emails, FB
9:00am go to sleep


Luckily, the hotel was lovely,  Buffet food was wonderful, and since I had company this time, I did not eat alone in my room like I did during my last trip.  It was better this way.  The hotel had live music every evening, so the marble-lined, orchid-filled lobby was an oasis of luxury in which to relax.  And I even managed to do some pearl-shopping on my last day, which will be the subject of my next post.

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