Sunday, April 14, 2013

4 Trees Later

I've been thinking about this blog, really I have.  Even though you can't tell since I haven't had time to sit and write anything lately.  I actually have a couple of good posts I'd like to write...if I can still remember them when I finally get time (maybe in June?).

As usual, I blame work for my lack of writing.

Well, blame is too strong a word.  Work is the reason, but I am glad to have work, glad to be challenged and fully engaged, and appreciated.  Especially when I hear about 3 friends being laid off their jobs since January, and this when the recession is supposed to be getting better.

Meantime, one of the laid off friends is close enough to retirement that selling her house and moving to a cheaper area, instead of working and paying taxes here, is a reasonable option.  I enviously wish her luck.

Since that's not in the cards for me for quite some time, the good news is I have a major new project keeping me *very* busy at work.  So busy that I've already had one out-of-town business trip, several workshops, a big conference, another out-of-town trip coming, and plenty to keep me occupied the rest of the year.  Never mind the work that was already on my desk before this project hit. Again, GRATEFUL to be working at a job I don't hate.  And while the requests to hop on a plane to go to Manila, Uruguay, and Sri Lanka, I was quite relieved to be able to postpone, re-assign, or cancel them in the end.  Phew!

On the home front, in anticipation of free time for homesteading someday, I've been digging and planting.  It started with a random knock on the door.  Tree-trimmers were in the neighborhood, rustling up more work.  We had them trim 4 trees down to stumps, and then grind the stumps out!  Two of them were magnolias planted in the front by the previous owners.  Everyone exclaims how they love Magnolias.  I don't get that.  The flowers were up top, where we couldn't see them anyway.  The trees were 2 stories tall, and drop Jursassic style leaves all dang year long!  Raking leaves in summer stinks!  We also took down 2 ash trees in the back--they drop pellets in the fall, also annoying.

In their place, we planted apple, plum, persimmon, and a lemon tree!  I have fantasies of fruitful bounty next year, spring, summer and fall!  We will see if I do better with these trees than the blueberries and strawberries from years pasts.  Wish us luck.

Weight?  DH is down 40 pounds, and I am down about 8.  I am still wearing my Jawbone, and it helps remind me to keep active.  I've stopped tracking food, but the few weeks I was doing that has helped me reset my perception of reasonable portion sizes.  Will try to keep those habits in place.

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