Caine's Arcade from Nirvan Mullick on Vimeo.
My husband turned me onto this amazing video--well worth the 11 minutes to watch!
And while the main theme is how creative this boy is, and how the power of the internet can change a life, there are other lessons I noticed that may be less obvious:
- I am impressed with the man who made the video for taking the time to notice and talk to Caine. Unfortunately, I am like most of the other adults who walked right by him, not even bothering to reply to his attempts to engage them in his arcade. Nirvan really is someone who lives in the moment, and was able to pause from the rush of life long enough to see and appreciate this wonder right in front of him.
- I am impressed not only with Caine's ingenuity, but also his patience and steadfastness. I cannot even imagine dragging my kids to work in a shop every day all summer long, without thousands of dollars in video gaming equipment, and intolerable amounts of whining, "I'm bored....!" Now, maybe he did whine or complain sometimes, but I didn't get that vibe from what I saw of him. And even if he likes going to the arcade too, what he created was a result of hours and hours of NOT playing video games. *That* really impressed me.
- I am impressed by Caine's father's encouragement and tolerance. Not every shop owner would allow their child's project to take over the front entrance of their livelihood. And there is no way Caine was able to buy all those calculators with the one $2 Fun Pass he sold to Nirvan.
I loved this!! Thanks for posting it.